Friday, April 20, 2007

Syed Hamid critics UNHCR

M'sia blames UN for 'flood' of refugees
Apr 18, 07 3:06pm

Malaysia has accused the United Nations refugee agency of contributing to a "flood" of immigrants who are poorly cared for, according to a report today.

Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar said Malaysia had expressed concern "on a number of occasions" to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) over the growing numbers of immigrants given refugee status.

"What we are not happy about is the current state of affairs, the difficulty, the social and economic burden we face," he told the New Straits Times newspaper.

The UNHCR "should not be taking people except for those who really have a problem, and it should inform us. At present, it doesn't inform us," he added.

Malaysia is not a party to international refugee conventions, and illegal immigrants are often detained and later deported to their home country.

However, the UNHCR can assign refugee status to applicants and assist in resettling them in another country or in voluntary repatriation.

Syed Hamid said Malaysia was supposed to a place of transition, but that the number of refugees was "becoming a flood," with the UNCHR registering some 40,000.

"We have given humane treatment to these people who have come to this country illegally. It (the UNHCR) should get them to a third country. Otherwise, every illegal in this country will go to the UNHCR and ask to be certified as refugees," he said.

1 comment:

CRC-KLSCAH said...

AI defends UNHCR’s role
Soon Li Tsin
Apr 19, 07 6:19pm Adjust font size:

Amnesty International (AI) Malaysia comes in defence of the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) after Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar’s criticisms against the international body.

In a statement today, AI said Syed Hamid’s view clearly reflects the government's lack of respect for human dignity and human rights.

“We reiterate our position that the UNHCR is a United Nations body here to assist the government in providing assistance and protection to asylum seekers and refugees in the spirit of international solidarity and burden sharing,” it read.

The organisation pointed out that refugee matters are not merely a national concern but an international concern and therefore requires a more consolidated approach.

“Malaysia must therefore abide with the concept of international solidarity and burden-sharing in relation to refugees,” it stated.