Monday, April 30, 2007

砂伐木公司毁蓄水池 伊班人再设路障

Third blockade by Iban landowners
Apr 30, 07 12:03pm

Native customary rights (NCR) landowners in Kampung Aping and Kampung Abok in Sri Aman, 180km from Kuching, have erected a road block for the third time to stop loggers entering their land.

They alleged that the logging company and its contractors have caused considerable damage to their land and fruit trees, and stolen timber from communal forests meant for domestic use.

Barriers erected on two previous occasions were removed by the company’s workers. The village development and security committee, headed by Jacob Emang, held a meeting last Thursday at which it was decided the road block would be set up on Sunday.

In a statement to malaysiakini, the Iban villagers complained that the company and its contractors had also destroyed three water catchment areas - two at Aping and one at Abok - causing river water to become polluted and muddy.

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