Monday, September 24, 2007

Whistle blower protection act needed

Two policemen may be charged for framing inspection general of police. It is unreasonable to charge whistle blower, the action would deter citizen to impeach corrupted government servant. A whistle blower protection act is needed to ensure anti corruption agency carry out investigation on allegation, if not evidence was found, they should close the case without reveal the identification of whistle blower. Government servant should always be checked, 'infamatory' should not be applied.

In trouble for framing IGP

PUTRAJAYA: Two policemen who framed the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan for corruption may be charged soon in the Johor Sessions Court.
The Chief Inspector and Lance Corporal, both 42, are alleged to have used fake police documents and forged signatures in making their claims.

Sources said an Anti-Corruption Agency probe into the allegations had cleared Musa. The ACA, on receiving a report on the allegations from Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum, initiated an investigation in June.

On establishing that the allegations had been trumped up and that the policemen had committed criminal offences, the agency handed the matter over to the police.

It is understood that both would be charged under Section 465 of the Penal Code for forgery.
Musa, who was supposed to have received RM2.1 million for the release of six gangsters besides having triad links, denied the allegations. He had said that he was framed by his own men, resulting in him being investigated by the ACA.

On July 27, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail cleared Musa of the allegations and provided details of the investigation by the ACA.

诬赖警察总长贪污滥权 2警官近期被控 2007/09/23 18:09:21







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