Thursday, September 27, 2007

Peaceful March for Burma, Wear RED for Burma 28/9/2007

Peaceful March for Burma

In protest aganist ongoing human rights crisis in Burma. Meet at Ampang Park (Putra) LRT Station 9.15am Tommorrow 28/9/2007 Friday.

Malaysians Speak Up.! Come join our Burmese friends in solidarity.

Show to ASEAN countries something MUST be done ASAP.

Stand For Burma

After decades of brutal dictatorship, the people of Burma are rising--and they need our help.Peaceful protesters numbered 20,000 on Saturday, 30,000 on Sunday, 100,000 today. By the end of this week, they could win a new life for their country.

In the past, Burma's military rulers have massacred the demonstrators and crushed democracy. This time it can be different--but only if the world stands with the Burmese. We're launching an emergency global petition demanding that the UN Security Council (and key Burmese ally China) press the Burmese generals to negotiate with the demonstrators, not crush them. Click below to sign the petition, we'll deliver it every day that this crisis lasts:

Hope is hanging by a thread in Burma. Please act right now, tell everyone you know, and show Burma's rulers that people power is rising, on their own streets, and around the world.

Wear RED for Burma this Friday

On 28th September 2007, the Burmese democracy activists are asking the international community to wear a RED shirt or top, in solidarity with those currently engulfed in the fight of their lives in Burma against the most despicable regime, which our government had supported since 1997 when it allowed Burma to join ASEAN.

This simple act of solidarity will further inflame the hopes and strength of those who have struggled and resisted peaceably for 20 years now.

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