Friday, November 9, 2007

BERSIH People’s Gathering

Venue: Dataran Merdeka
Date: 10 November 2007
Time: 3pm


BERSIH’s campaign for electoral reform is endorsed by 29 NGOs and 5 political parties. Our immediate demands are:

- The use of indelible ink
- A cleanup of the electoral roll
- The abolition of domestic postal voting
- Fair access to the media

* Find out more about BERSIH in the “About BERSIH” and “Joint Communique” sections of this website.

Guidelines for the Gathering:

1. Participants are encouraged to wear YELLOW (clothing, headband, armband, ribbon, etc).

2. This is a PEACEFUL gathering so please do not bring anything which, if deemed to pose a danger to other participants, can be confiscated by our security personnel.

3. Participants are NOT ENCOURAGED to drive directly to the venue. The underground carpark at Putra Place is closed. Park your car elsehwere and walk to the venue or take public transport such as the LRT.

4. Please DO NOT LITTER at the venue. Take all your rubbish with you.

5. Please BEHAVE PROPERLY at all times.

6. Participants are encouraged to bring placards with the words: “Clean & Fair Elections Now”, “Restore Our Rights”, “Save Malaysia”, “Fair Access to Media”, Clean up Electoral Roll”, “Abolish Postal Voting” in all languages.

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