Sisters in Islam
SIS is concerned that the government has yet to respond to the growing number of critical questions in relation to the issue of freedom of religion in the country. The recent case of Marimuthu and Raimah and their six children, as reported in the media, is yet another tragic episode of a family ripped apart because of disputes over religion.
SIS urges the government to take a clear and principled position in respecting freedom of religion as clearly envisaged by the Qur'an, as reflected in Article 11 of the Federal Constitution and Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
As a democratic country that upholds the Constitution and rule of law, and as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the government must exercise its political will to uphold and safeguard the fundamental liberties of its citizens.
In a multi-religious society such as ours, conflicting situations on issues of faith are bound to arise. These include such cases of
1) non-Muslims converting to Islam, thus affecting the rights of the non-converting family members;
2) born Muslims who never led the life of a Muslim as they were brought up by non-Muslim family members;
3) converts to Islam who later want to leave Islam;
4) born Muslims who wish to leave Islam out of their own free will.
It is high time for the government to show wisdom and compassion in dealing with such matters of faith so deep in a person's heart.
The search for solutions to these challenges cannot be conducted in ways that violate the legitimate rights of Malaysian citizens. The government cannot postpone any longer the need to act on the Prime Minister's many calls for Muslims to exercise ijtihad and rational thinking as well as to strive for a more enlightened interpretation of the Qur'an and Hadith to deal with our ever changing times and circumstances.
SIS stands in solidarity with fellow Muslims who uphold freedom of religion as enjoined by the Qur'an. In fact, freedom of religion is a fundamental tenet of Islam.
In Surah al-Baqarah, 2:256, Allah explicitly states: "Let there be no compulsion in religion". This verse has been widely interpreted to mean that no one can be compelled to embrace Islam because religion depends upon faith and will, and this would be meaningless if induced by force.
Islam itself means submission to the will of God; and the willing submission of the self to faith and belief must be attained through conviction and reason, not through coercion and duress.
Surah Yunus 10:99 goes on to emphasise diversity in beliefs, "If your Lord had willed, all the people on the earth would have come to believe, one and all. Are you going to compel the people to believe against their will?"
Such messages in the Qur'an cannot possibly be translated to mean punishment, detention and forced rehabilitation for those who change their faith. If anything, the Qur'an demands in Surah an-Nahl 16:125 for us to "invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and reason with them in ways that are best and most gracious."
We call on fellow Muslims to display the beauty, compassion, peace and wisdom of God's message for it is a disservice to Islam that we merely stand by and watch the agony of families torn apart.
這種訴諸自然的謬誤,最典型的說詞就是“現實就是這樣的啦!”言下之意,我們不可能做出任何改變,任何企圖改變的想法都是不知天高地厚的“理想”,而“理 想”對他們而言意味幼稚,是一種貶詞。這種思想一旦形成風氣,逆來可以順受、生命唯求得過且過,使人變成柔弱愚昧,畏首畏尾。
一旦把人性的弱點當做“自然”,一旦視貪污為自然,貪污濫權怎麼可能令他憤怒?難怪許多國家的政府可以一貪再貪,屆屆大選還是獲得老百姓的選票,直到把國 庫掏空,貪得老百姓水深火熱,老百姓才在餓極之下怒髮沖冠,大鬧革命,把領導人趕下來。只是這時縱使貪官走了,國家若非已陷萬劫不復之境,就是必須花好長 的時間才可能恢復元氣。為甚麼老百姓總要等到政治病入膏肓,才開始醒悟?為甚麼許多人總要付出慘重代價,才懂得我們不應譏諷理想?
許多少年人原本理想滿滿,可一旦在社會混久了,受了一些苦,就學乖。我的朋友中,不少以前滿腔熱情,義憤填膺,看不慣主流作風,但後來受了一點委曲,又沾 染權力甜頭,愛慕主流起來,現在變成了他們當年批判的對象,完全不見獨立思考的影子。這種向“現實”低頭的例子,還會太少?
訴諸現實的人總愛說“現實與理想是有距離的”,一句就潑你冷水,否定你的改革決心。可這種人思想的貧瘠恰好充份暴露在這說詞之中,現實當然與理想有所距 離,如果現實等於理想,如果理想就是現實,干嘛還要改革?就是因為現實還不夠理想,理想還不是現實,我們才要繼續努力;“現實與理想有所距離”恰是我們努 力與改革的原因,但對一些不能獨立思考的人,竟成為拒絕努力的藉口。訴諸現實,豈有此理?